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Windows AMA. Windows AMA Archive. Show more. Show less. Windows IT Pro Blog. Sysinternals Blog. Windows Dev AppConsult. FSLogix Blog. Windows Blog Archive. Windows feature requests. MSIX feedback. View as: List View. Calendar View. Date Range Clear. Upcoming Events. Past Events. Pinned Posts Pinned Posts. Just as long as I can disable it and continue to use the Screen.

Although if I can hide that text list stuff on the left of the new "Mini-Start" I might give it a try. But since the Menu was my mote hated feature in Windows, and its removal the best part of 8, it'll be a hard sell for me. I don't want to go back to a textmaze for launching programs. Since I'm a fan of Modern, I can't say I like the focus on the desktop UI side, but if its a more integrated experience - combining the best elements of both - then I might go for it.

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Is "Cortana" available for windows 10? Yes, Let the journey begin, but there are some that want to kill the goose before it is even hatched. What is New in Win 10? Thumbs down: Multi-desktop. Can you say KDE 1. That's it, going to bed, set the alarm!!!!!!!!! In reply to Santanu Suna Nayak's post on October 1, In reply to A.

User's post on October 1, History will repeat itself. David M. This site in other languages x.



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